Who decided that the car you drive, the job you hold, or the music you listen to defines you? Not Truly Hard Seltzer, that’s for sure.
Those boring old boxes the world is constantly trying to fit you in? Forget ‘em. It’s time we owned our unique, multi-faceted personalities… because after all, no one is just one flavor, and nobody understands this idea better than us at Truly.
It’s why we’re constantly brewing up new flavors, new experiences, and new ideas – to help you discover more of what makes you you.
Our outlook is pretty simple: Life is full of flavor, so let’s explore it! And now, as the world begins to open back up, we’re ready to do just that. It’s time to dance with friends, embark on great adventures, and to explore a world that’s exploding with possibilities.
What are your different flavors? Are you a party animal on the weekends, but an introverted worker bee during the week? Are you a delicious mash-up of Lemon and Tea in a hard seltzer? Are you a hip-hop head who secretly listens to Elton John? Whatever you are, this summer is the perfect time to embrace your eccentricities, celebrate what makes you different, and take the time to taste the flavors of life!
Tell Truly about the different flavors to your personality! Share your flavors by tagging #NoOneIsJustOneFlavor on Instagram and Twitter. Who knows? You might just meet your future bestie who also loves Strawberry Lemonade Truly, picnicking, and watching old Summer Jam performances on YouTube on a Friday night!