MASE GETS PUBLISHING BACK From Diddy, R.Kelly Must Pay Victims $10.5 MILLION

R. Kelly:

A judge has ruled that R. Kelly must pay a group of women who filed a lawsuit after a screening of Surviving R. Kelly was shut down in 2018 due to violent intimidation, $10.5 million. R kelly and his former manager Donnell Russell, were named as plaintiffs. They women say the crazy experience triggered PTSD and panic attacks, which made a judge side with them.

Erica Mena:

Some Love and hip hop fans are demanding Erica Mena be fired after she used racial slurs during Tan argument with Spice. Things escalated quickly, Erica began flipping their table called Spice a ‘monkey’ and more. Erica hasn’t publicly spoken out, but share your thoughts in the comments below.

Eminem x Vivek Ramaswamy:

Eminem told Republican Presidential 2024 candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy to pump the breaks on rapping his music on his campaign trail. Vivek rapped “Lose Yourself” after he was asked what his favorite song to hit the stage with. Eminem sent him a cease and desist letter.

Mase x Diddy:

Mase got his publishing back from Diddy. Cam’Ron shared the news and said Mase just finished the paperwork earlier this week and is now “getting his music back in order.” Throughout the years, Mase vocal about his issues with Diddy over their dispute for his publishing.

Big Sean:

Big Sean took home his first Emmy Award. He serves as the Creative Director of Innovation for the NBA’s Detroit Pistons. He won the Emmy for his contribution to the Piston’s 2022-2023 Brand Campaign commercial “Different By Design.“