Photos of Iggy Azalea in various threads are going viral. The Australian rapper was spotted in New York City, wearing different outfits that showed off her coke bottle shape. In another photo, she’s rocking a thong with the caption, “I will not accept a life I do not deserve.” Take a look:
During a recent podcast interview, Iggy explained how she made record labels so much money that she didn’t get a cut. Lately, she’s been making more money from her OnlyFans. People reports she said,
“I made record labels so much money off my body. I made a lot of people so much money off my body, and I got the smallest cut off my own f—ing body and my own work and my own ideas.” She continued,
“I don’t think I have to say sorry about the fact that I want to commodity my own s—. It’s been commodified and I wasn’t even the main f—ing benefactor of it. So f— this.”
Earlier this year, Iggy joined OnlyFans to release exclusive content called, Hotter Than Hell. It’ll also feature her upcoming fourth studio album, set to be released in 2023.
A few weeks ago, there was a report claiming Iggy made a quarter of a million in less than 24 hours. TMZ points out Iggy responded via social media. She said, “Lol, Y’all just be saying sh*t to say shit at this point cause that number was pulled outta thin air.” In a recent report, Iggy says the only time she’ll talk about her earnings is with Forbes.