Tuesday (April 4), GQ announced that Donald Glover is its second Global Creativity Awards cover star. During an interview with the media outlet, the actor revealed that his media company Gilga will be releasing a short film from Malia Obama, the daughter of Former President Barack Obama.
Glover, who has been mentoring Malia for some time now, claims he broke down how important it is to make a good first impression with her work. “The first thing we did was talk about the fact that she will only get to do this once,” the “Atlanta” star said. “You’re Obama’s daughter. So if you make a bad film, it will follow you around.”
His creative partner at Gilga, Fam Udeorji, also chimed in on working with Malia. “Understanding somebody like Malia’s cachet means something,” he explained. “But we really wanted to make sure she could make what she wanted — even if it was a slow process… It’s more about diversity of thought than just, like, diversity for optics.”
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