Nicki Minaj Drops ‘Pink Friday 2’ Featuring Drake, J. Cole, Lil Wayne + More

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Pink Friday 2 is finally here.

Nicki Minaj delivered a 22- song project featuring Drake, J. Cole, Lil Wayne, Future and more. “This album is just beyond anything I could have imagined,” Minaj expressed via Twitter.

Minaj declared this project will be “one of the greatest albums of ALL TIME.” In another tweet she expressed, “right now as a type this mthaPHUCKAZ HAVE NO PHKNG IDEA WTF IS ABOUT TO PHKNG HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ENTIRE INDUSTRY WILL CHANGE AFTER DECEMBER 8th, 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SHALL APOINT BARBZ ONLY!!!! EVERY CONGRESSMAN, SENATOR, PRESIDENT, MONARCHY, YOU NAME IT!!!!!”

The album is a gift for Nicki and her fans, as it is being released on her 41st birthday. Take a listen to album below.