On Wednesday evening (Jan. 24), 50 Cent shared a video on his Instagram account that addressed his weight loss and shared his involvement in the YFN Lucci’s RICO case. In a one-minute video, the entertainment mogul credited his weight loss to exercising and shared that he advised Lucci and his family to hire Atlanta attorney Drew Findling.
First, he addressed the fan’s comments on his weight loss with the following:
“You want to talk about weight loss, I was in the gym, I was working the f*** out man. They’re gonna say it’s Ozempic; I was running, I was running, I was doing what I had to do, you’ve seen me on tour, I run around. I was 253 pounds, I’ve came down, I’m 210 right now – tell me how you feel about it; you tell me how you feel about it later.”
After that was cleared up, 50 proceeded to share his involvement in the YFN Lucci case and praised criminal defense attorney Drew Findling. Breakdown his involvement, 50 said:
“Drew Findling, right. Drew Findling is one of the lawyers, right. And I told YFN to use this dude, right. I got him to use him. I say, ‘Yo listen, good lawyer, man. I’m tellin’ you this and that, right.’ Now I started feeling shaky about the shit ‘cause he told me the first day they came in there, he (Findling) was stuttering, and his mother said: ‘He was stuttering, 50. This is yo shit, you told him to use this muthaf*cka.’ I said, ‘Ahhhh sh*t.’ I started feeling crazy. Then they started talking about an offer for 20 years. Then the 20 years go to an offer. And I go, ‘Drew is this real, like 20 muthaf*ckin’ years? Then he said, ‘Don’t worry about it, I got it. Everything will be alright.’ Next thing you know 20 years turn into 4 months. You need a lawyer? You need a lawyer, muthaf*cka? You call Drew Finding.”
In the Instagram caption, 50 advises Young Thug, who is also currently fighting a RICO case in Atlanta, to hire Findling as he wrote: “@drewfindling is the man right now, is you stupid is you dumb 20years turn into 4 more months. Fvck dat THUG better call DREW FINDLING ! @bransoncognac @lecheminduroi”
Before taking a plea deal, YFN Lucci was set for trial in a RICO case that would sentence him to a minimum of 20 years if convicted. Before the trial began, Lucci would enter accept a plea deal and plead guilty to street gang terrorism. He would be sentenced to 10 years probation and time served with a remaining sentence of 3-and-a-half months.
Drew Findling’s previous clients include Offset, Cardi B, and former president Donald Trump.
Young Thug’s attorney is Brian Steel, one of the top three criminal attorneys in Georgia. If convicted, Young Thug could face up to 20 years in prison. His RICO trial is currently on break for the week and is set to resume on Monday, January 29.
50 Cent has always been in tune with the justice system. He even created a legal drama television series, For Life, that aired for two seasons on ABC in 2020. 50 spoke on the show, which is available now on Hulu, and discussed other topics with Hot 97 in 2020.