Photo credit – Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Image
The midterm elections are five days away and T.I is using his platform to try to get people to vote. Lately, the Atlanta rapper has been taking a break from the music and focusing on his political views.
The “Big Things Poppin’” rapper took to his IG to share some post that he dedicated as a reason you should head to the polls on Nov. 6. There’s NO excuse why you shouldn’t vote and there are MANY reasons why you should! Here are the reasons T.I wants you to vote:
“Do it for MLK!” T.I wrote in a post that it’s a “slap in our ancestors” face when we don’t vote!
“Do it for our future!” The choices we make today will have an impact on our lives tomorrow!
“Do it for Trayvon Martin.” We can’t let people like George Zimmerman get away with killing innocent black kids!
Nov. 6, be at the polls!
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