DaBaby Seemingly Reacts After DaniLeigh Announced She’s Single + MeMe Chimes In!

Jonathon Lyndale Kirk
(Photo by Jason Koerner/Getty Images)

DaniLeigh announced she’s no longer with DaBaby and he seems to be focused on his music.

The day DaniLeigh told social media she was single, DaBaby promoted his latest single, “Masterpiece.” DaBaby let his fans know whoever does the best re-enactment video of the one he shared, will get flown out by him and granted a special date. Take a look:


Meme on the other hand has been putting online users in check. One user commented on how Dani and Meme are “fighting” over DaBaby. Meme stepped in and said, “it’s too early for you to be talking about nothing.” Take a look at a screenshot captured by the It’s On-Site blog.