Surprise! Ciara is having another baby.
On Tuesday (Aug. 8), the 37-year-old singer took to social media to announce that she’s expecting her third child with husband Russell Wilson, and her fourth overall. In a short black-and-white Instagram video, you can see a silhouette of Ciara and her baby bump dancing beside an indoor swimming pool.“’You look at me like that again, we make another kid…,” she captioned the post, quoting lyrics from her new song “How We Roll” featuring Chris Brown. “You my heart I’m your rib’ 🥰😘❤️.”
The “One, Two Step” hitmaker had her first son, Future Zahir Wilburn, 9, in 2014 with ex-fiancé Future. After their split, she began dating Wilson in 2015. A year later, she and the Denver Broncos quarterback welcomed their daughter Sienna Princess in 2017 followed by son Win Harrison in 2020.
Check out Ciara’s pregnancy announcement below: